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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  63KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (255 colors)
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OCR: The Bar/Pie Charts platform uses up to twX variables. You can select as many numeric variables as you want. Th variables don't have to be sorted but each com bination of the must define uniaue category. Group and level values show on plots in the order they occur in the data table identifies columns whose values are summary statistics for each group defined by the variable(s) identifies the classification variables. You must specify column which has been summarized before charting. You can specify up to two x variables for grouping on the chal itself. The first is then the group variable and the second X is the level (subgroup) variabl Weight identifies columr whose values supply weights for each variable Freo identifies column whose values supply frequency to each row for an analysis. Lab ...